Monday, December 14, 2009


It has come to my attention that we are in the month of DECEMBER, not November... and so I missed our 12 year!! AHH!!!! It was November 13th, 1997 that Gary and I became a couple and so we've been together 12 years and a month! :)

Tyler's Therapy is continuing well. We are also still enjoying preschool and enjoying Esther! Her vaccines last Friday got her all out of whack so we're trying to patiently wait through it but it's so discouraging when she slept through the night and was nursing so well, and on such a good routine, to now have her eating randomly and sleeping randomly. Thankfully she's still sleeping 4-6 hours at night, eating (some) and then going right back to bed. So we'll take the fussy afternoons and fussy late evenings if it means she'll still sleep at night Unfortunately with the pain and fevers that come with the vaccines, we've been giving her Tylenol so my gut tells me that's the ONLY reason she's sleeping at night! Maybe it'll get her into a good habit and when we stop the Tylenol (hopefully tonight, pending another screaming fit) we'll get lucky. ;)

We got to go into Alliance twice this weekend to see the lights and I finally got to attend a church service again! I think I'd only been to one or two since Esther was born. We were still in the hospital the first Sunday, had a couple where I stayed home because one or more of us were not feeling well, one where I spent most of it in nursery nursing (ha ha) and two in nursery serving. So If my math is correct it was my second week to actually hear the sermon! It was wonderful and it was good to be back, even if I did have to drive on some slushy roads to get there. Gary was kind enough to take Tyler with him since he had to go early for worship team (and to feed the Bush's dog- they were out of town). Thus I only had myself and the girls to get ready... I got there in time for the first song so not too bad!! Those and some successful (though stressful) shopping trips were the highlights of the weekend. I'm also currently winning this week's Gridiron challenge so that's always fun! As long as my dad's wide receiver does not get 25 or more points, and Gary's tight end does not get more than 14 points, I'll win for the week!!

Esther is not crying, and the dishes are done so i really ought to consider bathing the kids... and putting away some laundry is always a good choice....

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