More photo's from September
Grace standing with help. I belive she was 4 months on this day.Gary and the kids
Yumy fingers! At one point I had all four in there!
Greetings all! Turns out i'm suddenly finding out about a lot of people who read so I need to be diligent about updating! I have enjoyed keeping this blogspot and writing- mostly pasting my blogs from myspace where I know I have readers- but rarely did I even know if someone was reading. Now though, my grandma has internet and I know that more family will be reading! Better watch what I say huh? :) I'm kidding!!!
Tomorrow I probably won't have/take the time to write so I am this morning. It will probably take me all day to compose this message since Tyler is to get up in a few minutes. We had an amazing night here last night. Again, Grace knew I was ready to blog about her! She ate a little for my dad in the evening, nursed very well once and we tried to put her to bed around 8:30. No luck. We put Tyler to bed and finally Gary just took Grace downstairs. I came down a little later to find her wide awake in his arms watching TV with him. I might have tried to nurse her again- Ireally don't remember but she was making her crazy noises again. Suddenly I remember that when Tyler was a baby Gary called them his Terradactyl noises. She's mastered them now too! It's a cross between a choking noise and a screeching noise which means it's really scary to hear unless you can see her. It sounds like she's really hurt or choking but when you look at her and she's moving around grinning ear to ear and laghing between sounds you know it's ok. Of course it must hurt her throat so after awhile she starts to cough and we make sure she has her paci at that point! Anyways, after some more play and TV and screeching noises we finally got her to go to bed which meant we could too! She went down around 10 and I knew she needed to eat around 11 or 12. usualy I set my tiny alarm on my nightstand for 12:30 so if she's not awake by then I wake her up. I planned on staying up till 11:30 and just waking her up but Gary was SOUND asleep and I could not wake up! I finally just turned the alarm off and decided that since she was all screwy with her eating yesterday anyways, that I'd let her just wake up and see how long she went. I had to get up at 2 to pump, almost woke her up but refrained Then I woke again at 6:41 this morning hearing voices. Lucky for me they were real voices- I'd set the alarm to radio instead of annoying beep and so fainly I could hear the people talking. I told Gary and went to make sure Grace was ok. She was. She moved a tiny bit when I walked in. About 10 minutes later she started making cooing noises so I had Gary go get her. The look on her face when he brought her in was amazing. She was smiling as happy as could be. I could almost see her saying "I did it mom! I stayed quiet all night! Are you proud of me!!??" I am in shock! She went 11 hours without eating and slept for almost 8!!! So now she's got me all confused. I have no idea if she needs that midnight feeding or not now! She always ate a alot so i figured she needed it but now... hmmm.... regardless I'm thankful for my good night's sleep!
We got out the exersaucer this week and that has got to be one of the best baby toys in the world. She loves it! She can be in the standing position without wearing out her little feet. She holds her body up or leans... she has toys to play with and she's more on our level when we're playing on the floor so she can oversee things. I think all her hard work in there has helped her sleep more. Or it's just her age... She's been playing with and sucking on her hands and fingers more. She's now starting to roll onto her side and sit up by herself. The sitting is only for a few seconds and then she leans and topples over like bricks. It's kinf of cute because she dosn't even try to catch herself so she just keeps going down till you get her! She's sat alone for Gary a few times but for me yesterday was the first time. Like everything else it's bittersweet. I'm so proud of her and excited at all she can do but on the other hand it means she's growing and every first for her is a last-first.
Tyler's doing well. He's getting better at the cup but preferrs the straw which I let him do as much as possible b/c it's less mess and good for him. He still can't make the "l" sound which involves the tounge touching the teeth and my friend who's a speech therapist says drinking from a straw can help develop that. He still loves his trains, cars and trucks, but we're branching out more. He's finally started pretending and re-enacting the shows he watches which is fun. he's getting better at building with is legos and so I really want to get him a nice set of wooden blocks wiht different shapes for his birthday. (fyi : i'm composing a wish list for him for b-day/Christmas if anyone's interested)
He's gotten more and more into books and I even read him a chapter book the other day. He just wanted to keep hearing more and more so I kept reading! He's learning to identify his letters and doing better with coloring. He loves to paint and preferrs drawing over coloring which is fine. I don't care one way or the other. He can count consistantly to 15 but since he says 14 and 15 exactly the same way I think after that he gets confused. He can consistantly count 8-10 objects if he's in the mood and if he's really into can count 12 objects. We counted together to 50 the other day and he was dancing all around. Once we get to 21 he likes it. It's those teen's he can't figure out which is normal. His new thing is wanting to type and "check his messages" like mommy and do the paint program on the computer. He also likes watching Thomas on youtube. He's SO his father's son! :)
I'm starting to scrapbook the year 2005. Let me just tell you it's going to take like 3 books to get through the year. I'm either going to spend a lot of money or only print about a tenth of my pictures. We did SO much that year! I have whole box full of papers and tickets and things to go in there... like Tyler's first haircut... his dedication... our trip to Disney games... graduations and vacations and trips home and parties and baby/bridal wonder I'm tired all the time! We are so blessed aren't we?!?!?!
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