generosity, amazement, ignorance and frustration. Wed. June 13
Generosity- so my mom came yesterday to give me my old dresser for Grace. I'm excited to get her clothes organized the way I really want them and get some things put away away and not just in boxes and piles everywhere. :) She also took it upon herself to bring me the headboard and night stand that go with it plus a bike, a slide (YEA!), a kitchen and THREE huge garbage bags full of clothes, and one full of shoes. She got them from a lady she knows. I put everything out to organize it and ready it for bins or loaning out and took a picture.'s a lot. Clothes to last her till she's 4. It's mostly winter stuff so i'm guessing she sold her summer stuff in a garage sale (there were stickers on everythign which Tyler is having great fun with) I just can't get over the generosity of people sometimes! God uses even people we don't know!
Amazement- simply put i'm astonished and amazed at how stupid people can be. Just plain old selfish, stupid sinful people all over this freaking earth. It's a wonder God has not just thrown our little planet at the sun and let us all fry in there. It's clear to me that God's love is beyond the comprehension of my peanut brain.
Ignorance- People are also clueless. Gary is contracted as a teacher (but he does not teach) which means that like all other teachers he should have been able to go home last friday and not HAVE to think about school for several weeks. He's also contracted some extra days- this years days have yet to be determined and start 1 July. THEREFORE PEOPLE SHOULD NOT BE HARASSING HIM!! He's been in every day this week and probably will be in every day this month VOLUNTEERING HIS TIME (translated nto being home helping me!). So last night we, as loyal Cleveland-ers stayed up till today watching the Cav's full of hope and ready to see the team "rise up" and get a win. I mean it's a home game, the first ever NBA championship game in our humble city and do you think we could get a freaking bucket?? That's a whole other tangent... sufice to say that Thursday could mean heartbreak and Friday most of the city might just not show up for work. I am NOT ashamed though! For us to have gotten this far is nothing short of a miracle and to be the Eastern conference champs is good enough for me- for this year. I must admit it would be a bit frustrating to not win ANY games against the Suns though... any-who- since we stayed up so late and Grace wanted to eat AFTER the game Gary thought he might sleep in and go in at 9am instead of 5:30 like monday or 6:30 like the rest of the year. Report time is like 7 or 7:15 maybe? Not too much to ask since he's not even supposed to be there right? 9:05- THREE voice mails on his phone. Yup. three. Three people who cannot live without my husband and think that i shoud have to so he can run in and solve thier woes. Now to be honest I don't know who called or why but I do know he did not stop to eat breakfast or anything. After he saw the three messages (and most likely more missed calls) he threw on a hat, hugged the Tyler Monster, threw me a kiss and was out the door and sped down the road as he listened to his messages. he also told me in somewhat of an exasperated voice that he would NOT be home for lunch "apparently". SIGH I"m jealous of Jennifer who has her hubby around all the time and gets to go all over town doing fun things with her family... but I also like that Gary brings home a payckeck so if this is what it takes... i'll swallow it... but I get to vent too!!!!
PS- Grace is holding her head up more and more! She also coo's and grins at her brother when he comes over to talk to her!
June 18, Monday
One Month!
Grace is one month old today! We are doing well, tired, but well. I'm loving having a baby in the house again but am struggling with Tyler. I think my expectations of him are too high and the poor guy can't win. He's still a good boy, he just needs some more attention and I just simply don't have it to give sometimes. Grace does not nurse as well as Tyler did and seems to be much more sensitive. She also loves being held where he didn't so it's been neat how different they are. I've also loved getting to hold her a lot, although it leaves less one-on-one time for Tyler. Thankfully it's been nice weather and Gary can relieve his frustration out on the golf course. :) I'm enjoying my last 2 weeks of not being "allowed" to excersise. LOL!!!
Thanks to everyone who have posted messages and comments! If I'm not getting back to you soon enough, I apologize!!! I"m trying! It's amazing how little i"m online anymore!!!! I pray you are all having a good week! July is almost here!! Can you belive it?!?!?!?
Tuesday June 19
Tyler's first movie
So Jennifer (do you ever go by Jen?) wrote me last week and included a nice list of all the theatres in the area that do kid movies in the summer including dates, shows, times, and price. She makes it so easy for me to continue to be lazy. Anyways, today was the Clifford movie so yesterday when I found out she was going I decided to pitch it to gary and just see what happened. He actually decided not to go into work today and to go with us!! Summer has officially begun! This is totally how I pictured summer- going out as a family doing stuff like this at least twice a week!!! yea!! We got there a half hour early b.c we were SURE it would be packed and we'd be struggling to find seats. I think also Gary had little faith that we'd get out of the house in time to make it for even the beginning of the movie. I shocked us all by being ready on time for once! Of course this was only because he completely got Tyler and himself ready which included breakfast for both of them. My boys are no good until they've eaten. We got Tyler the little booster seat adn sat down and he was really good the entire time! Before the movie I went to the bathroom and took him with me just so he could have a little less sitting time. That helped I think. I also had some grahm cracker things in the diaper bag for when he got fussy. That helped too. He was good through the entire thing and I have to be honest and say i was really surprised. Gary took care of Grace who barely made a peep that I noticed so i actually sat back and enjoyed the movie... holding Tyler's hand for some of it. (all together now: aawwwww!!!!) Then we decided that since we were in Canton we ought to head over to the Target b/c we had a HUGE gift card from friends back in Mansfield to spend. We got 2 packs of diapers for each of the kids, wipes, razor refils for me and some odds and ends and still had $$ left over! I love those target brand diapers. Then in the process of finding said gift card Gary found that we had a Chili's gift card from Christmas (yea, we've not gotten out much this calendar year..) so we drove around trying to find it. We did- pretty much back where we started and we ate all three of us and still have a little under $2 left on the card. Now why, i ask you, do they leave that little bit on that card? Why can we not have the change? Rediculous. Grace sat in her little seat, drank her bottle, and then went to sleep! (Daddy held her some too and of course Tyler wanted held...) So it was a great family day. Now both kids are napping, Gary went into work (the whole building could spontaniously combust if he's not there at least a little bit you know) and instead of resting, I'm writing you crazy people! :) It was a really fun day! Thanks Jen!
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