Saturday, March 31, 2007
Leaving, on a jet plane...
yea!!!!!! Tyler is getting out all his toys that I put away and organized last night.... Gary's getting us dougnuts (he seems to have left his brain at work as this is by no means the norm for us!) and I'm getting ready to do my makeup and WE ARE OFF! Everything fit into bags... not necessarily the ones we intended on but they are in there. I even have a plan for how to get an extra bag full of souveniers home. Hee hee!!!
I want to officially ask everyone for prayer for us. Obviously there is the whole issue of traveling. It turns out our flight plan was changed AGAIN and not only are we in OHare for only 2 hours but we also have to go from one side of one terminal to the other side of the other terminal. Fun times. Also pray that we don't get sick, the baby stays in my belly, i have plenty of energy and Gary survives. Realize, the poor man is traveling with a two year old, his 32 week pregnant wife, and his mother in law. That's enough to send any man into counseling. Pray also for my brother who will have this lot of us in his apartment for a whole week!
Love you all! My mascara is calling!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Day's away...
We are getting to crunch time now with this trip to CA!! I'm getting extremely excited and even more nervous. What if I don't get laundry done? What if I leave dirty dishes? (yea, like my mom would let that happen....) What if Tyler gets sick? What if I go into labor? What if Tyler does not sleep? What if GARY doesn't sleep? (I haven't slept in a month so that's not a concern.) What if our luggage doesn't get there? What if I gain 10 pounds like a normal vacation? What if I don't eat enough b/c eagle-eye-mom is watching? What if this is the most fun vacation ever and I miss it completely because i'm too busy worrying about all this stuff that does not even matter?!?!?!
I have no less than 5 running lists of what I need to remember to do and to pack and which bag it's going in. I have a diaper bag and toy bag for the plane, on top of the three of us, the carseat and a small carryon-suitcase. I live in fear of the luggage geting lost so Tyler's air bed and extra undies for all of us are going to be on the plane. I know, it's just one more thing to carry and I think it's a secret battle Gary is waiting to have with me in the baggage area where I can't freak out so much... or maybe he's finally accepted that he has to leave the anal tendancies alone. We also have two small suitcases and the stroller to check. It's a lot of seperate bags but we are actually taking very little considering i'm involved. For me, packing is half of the fun of a vacation. I like to make a list of everything possible i'd like to have with me, then I work to make as much of it as possible fit in as little space as possible. Usually, as long as I can get it all into the car, Gary lets me take it. This time, since it invovles air travel, it all has to fit into the pre-determined space of the two suitcases we are taking and carry ons... becaues we have to be able to carry it. Ahh... I wish so much it could be like when I went to Europe and I packed so much I could not carry it and all the boys on the trip helped me (Thanks Reuben! You are a stud!). I also have to follow all these new flying restrictions about liquids... grrr... I know they have good reason but i really don't want to spend $3 on a bottle of juice after security that would cost me 40 cents to buy here and bring with me. Gary, of course, has been packed for weeks. He found a few shorts and shirts and a pair of jeans, threw them in a space saver bag, and set them in the baby room. He only has to add a few undies (my word, not his) and his sandals and he's set. If only it were that easy for those of us who's bodies seem to change by hour and who's wardrobes are limited b/c of that! Miracle of miracles is that so far all Tylers clothes and mine are fitting in the SAME suitcase! That's right folks! I don't even have my own suitcase full! Gary gets one for his clothes, toiletries, extras, and pillows (love these space saving bags!! I want to fill the house with them!!)
In other news, Tyler got his vacation haircut yesterday. I thought for sure that when I ran to the restroom Gary would ask them to buzz cut him but he didn't. Kudo's to Gary.
I wanted to thank everyone for thier support and prayer for our family with my grandpa's illness. We went to see him on Sunday and he had one of his best days in a long time my grandma said. He knew us, talked to us, and even wanted to hold and play with Tyler. He couldn't of course, but the fact that he wanted to touched me deeply. I'm so thankful that the Lord allowed him to know us for what was, most likely, our last visit. It's only a matter of days now and they are getting to the point where his pain cannot be managed at home. It just breaks my heart to know that, but I'm so thankful that all this time, he's known who my grandma is and has made sure to tell her when he can "thank you" and "I Love You". What a treasure.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
What the EFFINGHAM is wrong with me?!?!?!!? If you knew me when prego with Tyler you know I was OBSESSED with A Baby Story. I figured if I knew everything there was to know about childbirth i'd somehow suceed at it. I have no idea if that's true or not but a good ways into my pregnancy Gary started coming home to a hysterical wife who had watched some horrendous thing happen... then they had this show on about high risk pregnancies that was on at night that I would watch when I could not sleep and then have nightmares so I'd be hysterical when he left for work in the morning.
(Hm.... aside: I'm suddenly starting to correlate why he worked so many more hours as I got further along.... it wasn't b/c he was going to have to take time off and needed to get ahead and prepared! He was avoiding the madness!!!!!! How dense am I that I'm just now figuring this out?)
So anyways, somewhere along the line i was forbidden to watch these shows by hubby dearest and so then it was like when your mom tells you that you can only have 2 cookies and all you can think about is how to get that third one without her noticing. So I watched it in secret a few times but then I could not be hysterical so I made myself sick with anxiety and then stopped watching. (I'm like an Isrealite in the Old Testament- I don't learn the first time...) So this pregnancy I vowed that I was not going to make myself crazy watching these shows about still births, babies who are born backwards and emergency C-sections that husbands miss, etc etc etc. And i've done really well. They just dont interest me anymore b/c now I know about all the crap they neglect to show on those shows and I'm choosing to belive that the things God has alllowed me to forget are for my own protection.
So today, I sat down to relax while Tyler was napping and one of those shows was on. A Baby Story I think. So i was flipping b/n it and 30 minute meals b/c the story was a stay at home mom who's due date comes and goes (gotta love that info button!). So I was pretty much flipping from one set of commercials to another and getting some Rachel Ray inbetween (Remind me to tell you about her 'fruit roll-ups'). So I finally flip and get ABS and this woman is in labor and I mean IN LABOR. Screaming, Doctors' already there, husband is ashen about to fall over, nurse looks petrified so I know, she's about to push the kid out. So I'm like, Ok. I don't have to listen to any of the scary labor part- this is actual delivery so I watch. This woman proceded to push out an ADORABLE baby boy who was TEN POUNDS ELEVEN OUNCES!!!!!!! They held that baby up and I swear he looked like a toddler. He looked like he was about to crawl across his mommy and ask for a drink of milk. oh my oh my oh my..... let me just say something right here, right now. I DO NOT HAVE THE FIGURE NEEDED TO PUSH OUT A BABY THAT BIG! If this little girl gets that big she's just going to have to find another way out. That's all there is to it!
I should have just dusted and mopped like I planned....
(Fruit roll ups- put some jelly on a flour tortilla, add some cut up fruit, fold like a burrito and eat. How easy is that? YUMMY!!)
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
I wanted to get on here for those of you who do not email frequently or read my myspace stuff. :) I wanted to update about a few things.
First of all, last Saturday was my day of being 30 weeks pregnant! I'm very excited to be offically in the homestretch now. We leave in a week and a half for California and after that it will be "all baby all the time!" Today I got out the bottles and sorted them. We had way too many, thanks to a generous family, and I sorted out what I wanted and what I could give away! It was exciting to put them all in a basket and into the cupboard and see them all fit in there just right. :) I'm sure I'll change my mind on how I want them in there, but for now it's nice to know they fit!
My grandpa is not doing well and I appreciate your continued prayers. The doctors (as of about a week ago) gave him a month or less so we will be making a trip up to see him this weekend since it will be our last chance before our trip. My dad has said he's not doing very well and has hospice in the house helping out my grandma. As I understand it he is completely against going into "a home" as he says. I can't say I blame him. I am relieved that my grandma and surrounding family are getting help though. I hate feeling far away and helpless to help but I know that in my condition and with a toddler I'd be no help whatsoever to drive up there even for a day. Please pray for my grandma- it is her I'm most worried about.
Tyler is doing well. He's been speaking a lot more the past month or so and is putting together these amazing sentances. That phase of 3 to 4 word phrases didn't last near as long as I thought it would! I'm noticing he's picking up some things from Daddy and I too and so we are getting better at the whole spelling as we speak thing. :) I have been working with him on playing by himself and more on cleaning up his toys by himself so that he's a little more independant when the baby comes. I"m terrified he'll be a TV junkie in those weeks of healing and scheduling the baby and re-learning to nurse... I recall barely keeping my head above water wtih Tyler, and Im getting very anxious for this one on top of Tyler! He has already shown some signs that he's not going to take the adjustment laying down. He does not like that he can't climb up on me and that I can't chase him around the house like I used to. :)
Gary's job is going well. Computers keep dying and he keeps fixing them i guess. :) The levy will be on the ballot again in May and we are praying it passes since already more than a million dollars must be cut from the budget. If it does not pass in May the entire district will suffer, especially the kids. We belive Gary's job is pretty secure but nothing is for certain. We are trusting the Lord in this and in the Mansfield House which we now call the summer house. :) Gary's co-worker suggested we furnish it and turn it into a time share! :) If only! It would be fun to have a second home and do that, but in a more relaxing, vacation sort of setting!
In relation to my Dr. Appt last week- I've not made a decision yet. I"m collecting advice, information and praying for wisdom.
In other news on Gary, he's decided to start playing drums at his parents church twice a month! His first week was a couple sunday's ago and he's on again this week. It was so fun to watch him but getting to church early was a big adjustment for Tyler. We will be splitting our time between Grace and First Christian until we both feel a need for a change. We both like the big church setting and I find that I really like the chance for Tyler to get to spend time with other cihldren his age. We also like the small church feel and knowing lots of people. I'm anxious for the baby to be born so that we can re-settle and I can get involved in SOMETHING to make some friends. My loneliness is not near what others face since I have a very supportive family and friends via internet who keep in contact with me, but I'd love to have someone to come over once a month and just sit and chat about life. My respect for those away from family starting over in my situation grows daily. When we moved to Mansfield we had no one, but we both worked in the same place and things happened much more quickly for both of us in the way of friends at work and outside work. I never realized how good I had it! Well, as I write this I realize that Thomas is near the end and bedtime is actually past due here. :) I'm off for story and tuck in time. I love you all!
Friday, March 16, 2007
I"m a little bit of everything today! I'm excited b/c tomorrow I"m 30 weeks which means It's getting close! I'm also excited to go shopping with my mom and because it's Friday wich means relaxing with Gary (even though I'm still a bit aggitated at him for aggitating me TWICE this week...) and not having to hear the alarm tomorrow morning. I'm excited for Jennifer to celebrate the first birthday of her little man. I know how special that day was for me and I know it is for her as well. I'm excited for Lori to get to go on her trip soon and get away. Literally in so many ways. I"m excited b/c today was a dr. appt and I got to hear Princess Bush's heartbeat. Don't worry, we are not naming her that. I was thinking of naming her Lavendar Rose Bush... Thoughts? I'm also excited because I'm keeping lots of really good secrets and it's fun to be the one in the know even if there's really no one to tell. :)
I'm also stressed. We are leaving for the other side of the country in TWO weeks and there is much to be done, plus the house needs to be imaculate for mom's arrival in the morning. Tyler is getting some type of illness which includes mucus in his eyes that stumped the lady who answered the phone at his pediatrician office. Is it ok that this freaked me out? I'm also stressed because I have exactly 6 weeks to decide how I want this baby born. That leads us to the emotion of terror.
The doctor I saw today said that she would absolutely recommend a C-section. 4 other doctors including the one who delivered Tyler said that while there was a chance of a repeat of the first time, there was a larger chance my body would just know what to do and I'd be fine. Thid doctor seems to think I could experience irreversable, unreparable damage to things that just should not be damaged. Can we say panic? My thought is that I could be induced and be sure to get a doctor who knows my situation and my feelings and have a better chance of things being controled, but i've heard nothing but horror stories about being induced... so here's your chance moms= I want to hear your birth stories. Every ugly detail because i certainly can't make this kind of decision myself! Poor Gary. He's going to hear about this for sure....
So yea, we are all over the map today! The best part of the day was that I got to hold 5 month old Baby Jacob. A cousin of mine and he's just sweet as can be. At the end of the day, beyond all the fears and feelings both emotional and physical- all I want is my baby girl born safe and healthy, and I want to be healthy enough to take care of her and be the best mom I know how to be. It's what I was made for. To be a mom to her and my Tyler. My angel. The boy who always knows when I need a hug and a slobbery kiss and the distraction of playing trains, coloring, chasing leaves and bubbles, and just being in the moment. I'm blessed beyond measure to have more than one 'love of my life'.
Monday, March 12, 2007
oh NO!!! I just realized I missed the birthday of the one and only JOSHUA D KELLOGG!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Happy Birthday Josh!!! We love you!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Here is a cute, short, video of tyler requesting a video be taken as one is taken!
Dr called...
They called because my iron is low and they want me to be on a supplement from now unti the end of my pregnancy. The nurse I spoke with said that if I've been extra tired it could be that on top of chasing around another child so hopefully this will help me to feel better. Thanks for your prayers!
Today I'm either nesting or working on things that should be done regularly and just are not. :) I vacuumed the couch today. It's amazing how much junk ends up under the cushions! I don't even want to think about dander and the kinds of bugs that grow in there and in the bed... blech! Anyways, I got done and noticed that the vacuum was pretty dusty and decided to dust it and then figured, well, if i'm going to do this I might as well get out the clorox wipes and really clean it, and so I did. How often should you clorox your vacuum? How often should you vacuum your couch? I don't have any idea but apparently it was something that looked like a great deal of fun to Tyler because he used his vacuum to help me with the couch cusion and then wanted a wipe to clean his own vacuum. Now his vacuum I have cloroxed before but the fact that he wanted to do it 'just like mommy' was just too much for me. I took a couple pictures. Enjoy!

Monday, March 05, 2007
Feb 07
Tyler watching TV on his bear chair, Tyler riding his rocking horse, and two pictures of Tyler playing the "rolling game" with grandma. :)





February 07 photos
Gary and I, Tyler in his Pooh hat, Tyler sitting at his desk drawing,Daddy and Tyler at Burger King, Tyler in his sunglasses.
Big Girls DO Cry!
oh my oh my oh my.
breathe Heather, breathe!!!
OK - backstory- I bought some eggs a couple weeks ago and made something and one of the eggs I cracked was a double yolk. My pregnant/hormonal mind saw twins and I cried. I don't care for eggs very much- never have. In fact I hated them most of my life until I was pregnant with Tyler. Ate them all the time boiled, over easy, and egg salad. Tyler loves eggs by the way. I didn't eat any of the eggs I made but got over the crying knowing it was a hormonal/emotinal thing. No biggy.
Friday, we went to the grocery store and got food. Trying to eat healthy I avoided all cookies and cakes and ice cream and came home and made a box cake. 3 eggs- another double yolk. Got teared up and rememberd how I wanted to blog about it the firts time it happened. Same dozen eggs now I had at least 2 twins i'd cracked.
Today I'm down to 4 eggs so I must have made something else and i can't remember how many twins I got then but so far we've had 2 for certain right? So I"m getting ready to make noodles that Gary likes for supper tonight (which we probably won't eat b/c we'll go to his parents b/c they leave for Costa Rica Wednesday at like 4 AM.).
Recipe calls for 4 eggs. First egg, normal. Sigh of relief. Second egg- twins. Third egg- twins. Fourth egg- twins. I kid you not. What is wrong with this farm?!?!?! Maybe we'll avoid the amish eggs for a while... like until I have my own baby... The thing is I knew I was running low so I got another carton on Friday. It looks different so it must be from a different grocery store but I really can't remember....
Friday, March 02, 2007
For some reason the video below only seems to work in firfox and not internet explorer.
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