Friday, February 16, 2007

We are still alive. :) Somehow the more we have going on the less time I take to write. The main issue these days, if I'm honest, is that by the time I'm done checking my myspace and email my back and rear hurt from sitting in this chair!! I need a wireless keyboard to go with our new wireless mouse! he he! Gary and I recently read Debt Free Living by Larry Burkett and have moved on to the Journey to Financial Freedom through Crown Financial Ministires which is run by Howard Dayton. The Bush's expressed intrest on getting some of the materials you can purchase online so we have borrowed some of what they got and purchased a money map for ourselves. We are reading the book Your Money Map: A proven 7-step guide to true financial freedom. It will take us a lifetime to reach the goal since the final one involves retiring with enough to live comfortably and being generous with what you have left over... but hey, it's a goal right?!!? We have decided that we need to plan the rest of our lives around our current situation rather than what we hope our situation will be soon. For example, we hope to sell the house wich will cut our debt by more than half, however we can't count on that debt going away or the extra monthly income we'd get by simply not paying for it anymore- so we have to budget as if it'll be there forever. We've also decided that it's time to have an actual savings account. The last time we had one was when we both worked and saved money to buy the house= then we used the money in the account as a downpayment and went back to living paycheck to paycheck when my school contract ended and I stayed home. I guess we've simply been convicted to be better stewards of God's money and possessions he's entrusted to us. So, with a housepayment, credit card debt and school debt to tackle we've decided to stop looking at houses and make this rental home so that the next time we buy- we can do it right. We don't regret our decision to buy before but we feel a little wiser now and wnat to be more careful and intentional this time. All this talk of money and reading about how people used to live before credit was so readily available has made us realize that our attitudes and thinking were not reflecting Christ. It's also brought us closer together. It's interesting that most couples fight over money (us included) and it is the thing most blamed for divorce in America (did you know that a divorce happens ever 7 seconds in our country? With more and more people chosing to live together and not even get married that stat is even more scary!). We are trying to prevent money from becoming a hot issue in our marrige by communicating, plannig ahead, and keeping our focus on Christ, not our own "earthly" wealth. We'll see how we do in the future huh? :) Last week Gary went to Columbus for a technology conference and had a wonderful time. I found that I do have the strength to do things by myself and the endurance to keep Tyler alive for 4 days but i can't say I enjoyed it! I was reflecting all week on what I missed about Gary... the way he steals covers at night forcing me to cuddle with him when he's alseep and doesn't even know it... the way his loud breathing covers the noises of the neighbors and Tyler moving around and provides white noise to help me fall asleep... even his smell i missed! I know that sounds rediculously corny but it's true! No one to reach the dishes on the top shelf or the cereal above the fridge... no one to fill the gas tank or shovel the 12 inches of snow we got (I would have done it but guess where our shovel is??? MANSFIELD!!!!)... no one to run out and get me that one little thing at the one to take out the trash or hog the remote.... it was just weird!!! I did find that my mom is right- Tyler is better company than I realize. In the past when he's gone out of town (which thankfully is not very often- once or twice a year at most) Tyler has been very little or not born yet and it's been just me. Now I have a little person to spend my time with and I'm still needed which is nice. I think it was good for me to see areas where I take Gary for granted too so I can appreciate him more when he is home. God kept us both safe and I'm unfathomly greatful. I'm also a little jealous that I was not the one in the fancy hotel with free meals that i didn't have to prepare.... Baby #2 is growing growing! I had an appointment today and things seem to be right on schedule. My ultrasound a few weeks ago was fine and the baby measured at or one week ahead of the due date. I guess that means she'll be early, or big, or (like Tyler) both. great... I'm hoping for small and a little early but I trust the Lord. Last time there was an obvious window that was very convenient for Tyler to come, not as much so with this one. I'd like to go early so I have time to recover before we go to the Outer Banks in July. :) Other than my back pain and the CONSTANT KICKING in places I didn't realize could hurt from inside, I'm doing well. She's carrying high but kicking low so i'm not sure what her deal is. I'm beginning to think she's pushed all my organs up into my lungs wich is why I can't breath and why I feel sick every time I eat. My digestive system seems to be squished and things just aren't getting through! She's clearly taking energy out of what I eat though because I can feel her side to side and up and down and I swear she's either trying to look out my belly button or climb my spine. If her movements are any indication of her personality she's going to be very much like her brother- only with hormones and (hopefully) a love of shoes! (although Tyler is a bit obsessed with shoes to be honest!!) By the time she's ready to face the world my insides will be bruised for sure. It will be so worth it though! I can't wait!!! (oh, but I'm also so scared that I CAN wait!) My grandpa still has cancer and is back in Ohio from Florida. hes' been in the hospital a couple times sine his return but a recent diagnosis indicates he could have another 8 months to live. This is actually a priase becaues several times it has sounded to me like he's not had more than a few hours or weeks. I just pray every day that he is not in too much pain, my grandma is able to take care of him without hurting herself, and if they have not already, they will both find Jesus Christ as thier personal Lord and Savior. I'm sure there is more but I know that those of you who do read this have other things to do so I will let you get to them. My couch and blanket are calling to me. I love you all and would love to hear from you either by blog or by email (or even phone call for the daring! HAHA!). Love and Prayers, In HIS Grace, Heather

1 comment:

Reebober said...

Hi! I would love to hear more about the money system - we can always use advice!

I'm glad Gary's back to help out. Try not to panic too much about adding another child to the mix, you'll do just fine! You'll find a groove and things will come together after a few weeks. I remember feeling some dread when anticipating the second child, but it really wasn't true. God has equipped mothers to handle it! :)

Love - Marie